1. Java简介
**1. Introduction to Java**
Java是一种广泛使用的高级编程语言,由Sun Microsystems(现为Oracle Corporation)于1995年发布。Java具有以下特点:
Java is a widely used high-level programming language, released by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation) in 1995. Java has the following characteristics:
- **跨平台性**:Java程序可以在任何支持Java虚拟机(JVM)的平台上运行。
**Platform Independence**: Java programs can run on any platform that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
- **面向对象**:Java是一种面向对象的编程语言,支持封装、继承和多态等特性。
**Object-Oriented**: Java is an object-oriented programming language that supports features such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
- **简单易学**:Java的语法相对简单,适合初学者学习。
**Easy to Learn**: Java's syntax is relatively simple, making it suitable for beginners.
#### 2. 开发环境搭建
**2. Setting Up the Development Environment**
To start writing and running Java programs, you need to install the following tools:
- **Java Development Kit (JDK)**:JDK包含了编译和运行Java程序所需的工具。
**Java Development Kit (JDK)**: The JDK contains the tools needed to compile and run Java programs.
- **集成开发环境 (IDE)**:推荐使用IntelliJ IDEA、Eclipse或NetBeans等IDE来编写和调试Java代码。
**Integrated Development Environment (IDE)**: It is recommended to use IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans to write and debug Java code.
##### 安装步骤:
**Installation Steps:**
1. **下载并安装JDK**:
**Download and Install JDK:**
- 访问[Oracle官网](
Visit the [Oracle website](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html) to download the JDK version suitable for your operating system.
- 按照安装向导完成安装。
Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.
2. **设置环境变量**:
**Set Environment Variables:**
- 在Windows系统中,右键点击“此电脑” -> “属性” -> “高级系统设置” -> “环境变量”。
In Windows, right-click on "This PC" -> "Properties" -> "Advanced System Settings" -> "Environment Variables".
- 在“系统变量”中找到`Path`,点击“编辑”,然后添加JDK的`bin`目录路径(例如:`C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-版本号\bin`)。
Find `Path` in "System Variables", click "Edit", and add the JDK's `bin` directory path (e.g., `C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-version\bin`).
- 在macOS或Linux系统中,编辑`~/.bash_profile`或`~/.bashrc`文件,添加以下行:
On macOS or Linux, edit the `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.bashrc` file and add the following lines:
export JAVA_HOME=
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- 保存文件并执行`source ~/.bash_profile`或`source ~/.bashrc`使更改生效。
Save the file and execute `source ~/.bash_profile` or `source ~/.bashrc` to apply the changes.
3. **验证安装**:
**Verify Installation:**
- 打开终端或命令提示符,输入`java -version`和`javac -version`,如果显示版本信息,则说明安装成功。
Open the terminal or command prompt, type `java -version` and `javac -version`. If the version information is displayed, the installation is successful.
4. **安装IDE**:
**Install IDE:**
- 下载并安装你选择的IDE(如IntelliJ IDEA)。
Download and install your chosen IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA).
- 启动IDE并创建一个新的Java项目。
Launch the IDE and create a new Java project.
#### 3. 第一个Java程序
**3. Your First Java Program**
Let's write and run a simple Java program.
##### 步骤:
1. 打开你的IDE,创建一个新的Java项目。
Open your IDE and create a new Java project.
2. 在项目中创建一个新的Java类文件,命名为`HelloWorld.java`。
Create a new Java class file in the project and name it `HelloWorld.java`.
3. 在`HelloWorld.java`文件中输入以下代码:
Enter the following code in the `HelloWorld.java` file:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
4. 保存文件并运行程序。你应该会在控制台看到输出:
Save the file and run the program. You should see the following output in the console:
Hello, World!
#### 4. 代码解释
**4. Code Explanation**
- `public class HelloWorld`:定义了一个名为`HelloWorld`的公共类。类名必须与文件名相同。
`public class HelloWorld`: Defines a public class named `HelloWorld`. The class name must match the file name.
- `public static void main(String[] args)`:这是Java程序的入口点。`main`方法是程序开始执行的地方。
`public static void main(String[] args)`: This is the entry point of a Java program. The `main` method is where the program starts execution.
- `System.out.println("Hello, World!");`:这行代码用于在控制台输出文本。
`System.out.println("Hello, World!");`: This line of code is used to print text to the console.
### 作业
1. 确保你已经成功安装JDK并设置好环境变量。
Make sure you have successfully installed the JDK and set up the environment variables.
2. 在你的IDE中创建一个新的Java项目,并编写并运行`HelloWorld`程序。
Create a new Java project in your IDE, write, and run the `HelloWorld` program.
3. 尝试修改`HelloWorld`程序,使其输出不同的文本。
Try modifying the `HelloWorld` program to output different text.
If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, feel free to ask me. In the next lesson, we will dive deeper into Java's basic syntax and data types. Happy learning!